Inspiring Viking Values

Huth Road - Character Matters Musical

Dr. Brian Graham (Superintendent of Schools) Season 2 Episode 17

In this episode of Inspiring Viking Values we interviewed Mr. Max Pikula, the principal of Huth Road Elementary School.   Mr. Pikula shared information regarding a musical two of his teachers used to help teach specific chartacter traits.  Joining the podcast were seven special guests.  Mrs. Kristin Pernick, a fifth grade teacher at Huth and Co-Director of the musical Character Matters joined the podcast along with Mrs. Jeanne Percival.  Mrs. Percival is a third grade teacher at Huth and she is a Co-Director as well.  Furthermore, joining the podcast was Mrs. Carissa Sugar.  Mrs. Sugar is the music teacher at Huth and she assisted with the musical numbers.  Additionally, four Huth Road Elementary students joined us on the podcast.  3rd graders Jack Soehnlein and Lincoln O'Connor are here and fifth graders Kinley O'Connor and Ella Ritch joined us from fifth grade.

 One more thing...I would like to thank Mrs. Jennifer Mernitz and her students for singing the Grand Island Alma Mater.  It is featured at the end of the podcast.
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